Augusto Di Bastiano



Augusto Di Bastiano joined the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in 2009 as Senior Scientific Officer in the Risk Management Directorate. In his position at ECHA, he has overseen various projects in areas such as exposure scenario and supply chain communication, assessment of intermediates, prioritisation of substances of very high concern, authorisation and restriction under REACH. Since 2023 he is in charge to the implementation of the Batteries Regulation at ECHA. Prior to joining ECHA, Mr Di Bastiano worked in the semiconductor, chemical and mechanical industry in Europe and in the United States holding several technical and managerial positions in the field of process operations, quality control and Environmental, Health Safety and Security.

Mr Di Bastiano holds a MS in Chemical Engineering from University of Rome “La Sapienza” and is a licenced professional engineer.

Mr Di Bastiano is Italian.

Restriction of substances of concern in batteries
Augusto Di Bastiano, Scientific Officer Authorisation/Restriction, ECHA, Finland
The presentation aims at illustrating the role of ECHA under the batteries regulation to control the impact on human health and the environment from exposure to substances of concern present in batteries or used in their manufacture and the activities ongoing for the implementation of the regulation.

The presentation contains:

  • a general overview of the scope of Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 (Batteries Regulation)

  • an illustration regulatory measures in place for the identification and further restriction of substances of concern and the role of ECHA in the implementation of these measures

  • an illustration of the ongoing work to implement the batteries regulation at ECHA with focus on the role played by different stakeholders (batteries manufacturers, recyclers of waste batteries, suppliers of chemicals, european and national institutions) in this process.

  • A conclusive overview of foreseeable developments of the regulatory actions.